Sunday, January 20, 2013

What I know about right now.

"Right now it's 3am.  Unlike a very popular Matchbox20 song from the 90's with a corresponding phrase of "I must be lonely", I am not lonely.  I'm watching TV next to my boyfriend J, my kitty is curled up on the end of the bed and I'm writing a blog.  Ok, so that's the immediate right now.

What I really mean about "right now" is the point I am at in my life.  I'm 32.  I'm no longer working for anyone other than myself.  I'm supposed to be super happy with where I am in my life and for the most part I am.

I have a bad habit of doing a lot of what I call futurizing.  I think about tomorrow...later...the future...and wishing away the now with what could or might be.  However, the thing I forget on a regular basis is that all my tomorrows are really made up of a lot of right nows."

I wrote the paragraphs above on October 27, 2012.  I must have been having some sort of "ah ha" moment.  Did I do anything with that "ah ha!" moment?

Here's what my right now looks like: I'm still 32, I'm still working for myself (and loving it!) and I'm trying to wake up every single day, taking it one day at a time.  Being that "how I spend my days is how I spend my life", I have been trying to incorporate more movement into my daily life, make healthy food choices and find balance between my personal and professional life.

I'm doing pretty well...check back with me in a month, I hope to have some more great updates!

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